Sunday, May 6, 2007

Adoption papers

This week Michaela and myself went to see Larry at LDS social services. We had already sent papers in with a bishops endorsement and stuff, and he handed us a folder of about 90 pages to fill out. These are papers needed for the courts. It asks us to write a half paper on our childhood, memories that we had with our siblings, and stuff like that. And all this needs to to be done in third person. Good thing I have practiced on the stylus.

He also gave us a CD, with soft copies of all the documents. He said we can fill all of this out on computer if we want. I guess they knew that my handwriting would confuse a judge, and he would never want to talk with us. Also, we are going to need to get finger printed. Good thing I never did any crimes.

Finally, if you want to know why I write in third person on the stylus is so Michaela can put her two cents in it also. I usually do most of it, but she will add stuff. This way it is a family thing. Michaela is such a good sport. She even let me send in stuff that I felt bad putting in there and got a retraction. Thanks Nikkala.


1 comment:

Nikkala said...

I think you two will make great parents!