Sunday, January 20, 2008

Reality Distortion Field

Michaela was hit with RDF (reality distortion field). She needed shock therapy to come out of it, but that is another story.

So, Macworld was last week. And the keynote was Tuesday. And Michaela watched this keynote and was hooked on the Macbook Air. So much that she was sure her next computer would be said computer. As we went out for our annual post-Macworld walk (coincides with the daily walk), I asked her why she wanted this one over the already released notebooks. Well, she came up with lots of good uses for this aluminum jewel, but all of the new uses could be done with her current iBook with a airport card. But she had never expressed an interest in doing ultra-mobile computing before. Well, we went to Frys to look at sub-notebooks, and looked at Macbook Air reviews and finally the RDF wore off. She is now back to just wanting a nice plebeian Macbook.

1 comment:

Chod said...

RDF aside, I think the air is super-snazzy. I want one... but then again, I also want an 8 core macbook pro with dual SSD in a RAID. I'm not picky, but 10 hour battery life would be nice too.